The Chronicles 2014 Japan Trip Coverage… Part 12: Winding Down In Kyoto…

The Chronicles© - No Equal Since 2008 |

Alas, we are finally winding down the coverage from my trip to Japan in January. Crazy that it took almost an entire month just to show you guys all the stuff we did in just ten days time. After the craziness of our adventures with the Kanjozoku, we decided to just take a deep breath and relax for a bit. When I say “relax”, I mean, let’s get away from car shit for the day and do some regular site seeing in a different part of Japan that we’d never been to…

I know this site is predominantly car stuff but one of the great things about creating The Chronicles is the friendships that I’ve developed all over the world because of it. Since we were in Osaka, we can always rely on the Tactical Art guys to take us around and show us a good time. These guys are…

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